Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The RD Drag

One Helluva sunday it was!

Two days back, i landed up at the Dhaba at Qutub Institutional Area to catch one of the regular BCMT meets only to realise that there was no official meet, but still manage to find Shamik and Guptaji. After chatting and hogging for a while, we (Shamik and I) decided to push off for a movie, but house full was all we got.

A few months back Shamik had got his hands on a ealry 80's RD and got it rebuild. But something went wrong and soon the entire electricals would give away. The entire wiring of the RD had given away leaving him high and dry with his the RD stalled. He had to be dragged tied behind another bike from his house in Delhi to the guy who did his RD (Sumit) in NOIDA some 20 kms away. I think it was Manik who did it then.

From RD Drag

Some days back (after getting the wiring one all over again) there was another wiring short and the bike had lost all electrical once again. I decided to be nice to Shamik who'd been waiting for someone to drag him and the RD to NOIDA again, and volunteered for the drag. What followed was my toughest ride till date. Tougher than my first ever ride which was in the Kumaon and Tehri Twists.

Tied a nylon rope from my poor Avenger's back rest to the leg guard of the 160 f**** KILOGRAMS of the solid iron RD + another 60 odd Kgs of Shamik. It seemed as if all the universe had stalled. Dragging the 220 kgs behind me, which would include travelling in city traffic for 20 kms, negotiating right turns, left turns, U-turs, Red Lights, flyovers, and overtaking vehicles was one hell of an effort.

From RD Drag

And for some odd reason or simply to make my life hell, Dear Shamik decides to take the route which would have congested roads, lots of slow moving traffic, some buffaloes, rickshaws and cycles. For those who know Delhi, he avoided the the DND and decided on the route thru the Okhla Barrage!!!!!

With the RD trailing me a mere 1.5 metres, it was a gigantic task to get the pickup off a stationary position, a sudden jerk would jolt me and send me off balance. Everytime I had to pick up to create tension in the nylon rope, my heart would beat faster, the screeeetchy noise coming off the back rest would make me look back if it was still there. With time and practice (all in a duration of 20 kms and 1 hour) I learnt how to tow a vehicle.

From RD Drag

Also met Sumit at his garage where he worked hard on getting the other beauties on the road.

At the end of it all, I just earned my self experience on dragging a RD behind me, and A CHILLED BEER!!!! for which Shamik readily agreed to :-)

And my bike got SHEER TORTURE!!!!


Nandu Chitnis said...

Great story.....hey how were the beers doing last evening?

Ride On

Sumeet Popli said...

Beer is always good Sir! Missed u